Shift your herd with the press of a button

Gain time and unlock production using Halter’s GPS-enabled collars and simple app to automate herd movements across your farm.

► Watch: Automate Shift Feature


“See where they are, on their way to the cow shed. And they’ll walk all the way up to the yard all by themselves”

– Fraser, Farm Manager, Waikato

► Watch Fraser automate herd movements across his farm


Complete visibility of your farm

Track cow movement and location, from anywhere.

Gain the ultimate bird’s-eye view of your farm. Simply open your Halter app to monitor the location of each cow or mob, confirm that your girls are in the correct break or that no cow has been left behind.

Track and monitor cow movement across your farm
Automate herd movements on farm

Significantly reduce on-farm workload

Save up to 20-40 hours per week by automating cow movements.

Eliminate all shifting and fencing workload. With the press of a button shift any mob to the shed, feed pad, or to graze a new break. Unlock your ability to shift your cows multiple times a day to adapt to changing weather conditions and transfer nutrient distribution.


Ultimate on-farm efficiency

Schedule mob movements across your farm.

Unlock on-farm efficiency by scheduling cow movements across your farm. Focus on other jobs while each mob shifts between their break, the feed pad or the shed at the times you’ve preset in the Halter app.

Automate scheduled herd and mob movement on farm

Explore how automating herd movements will help you lift productivity and on-farm efficiency.


You’ve explored one feature, check out more


Precise pasture management

Increase pasture utilisation by up to 10% using virtual fencing.

Learn more


Seamless mob management

Run as many mobs as you like without the additional workload.

Learn more


Health and heat

Receive real-time alerts when your cow is on heat or sick.

Learn more