Virtual Fencing 101: How it works, and why it’s a game-changer for farmers

Traditional fencing has always been a critical part of farming - without fences, livestock would be roaming free. And though it’s crucial, we know it’s time-consuming, and can be expensive with breakages and maintenance. That’s where virtual fencing comes in. With Halter, farmers across the globe are ditching their reels and standards and embracing an easier way to manage their herd.

So - what is Virtual Fencing with Halter?

Virtual fencing is an invisible boundary system that allows farmers to manage cattle movement without physical fences. Communication towers are installed on the farm, and cows are fitted with smart collars which guide them using sound and vibration. The towers talk to the collars, and the collars talk to the cows.

1. The collar: Cows wear a collar, which delivers sound and vibrational cues to keep them within a set boundary (aka, their virtual break). If they ignore the 2 primary cues of sound and vibration, those cues are reinforced with a low-energy pulse to elicit the desired behaviour.  

2. The app: Farmers use the Halter app to create, adjust, or drop virtual fences in real-time. The cows then walk themselves to the shed. Easy as that!

With just a few taps in the Halter app, farmers can set up or move fences in seconds - no sweat, no stress, no reels. Standard for Halter farmers!

To put it simply, we train cows to hear a fence instead of seeing them. Sounds complex, but what this looks like in practice is this:


  • The collar makes a sound to let the cow know when they're approaching a virtual boundary, and during the training period they learn to turn away from the sound and walk back towards their current break.
  • If the virtual boundary is on their left, the left side of the collar will make a noise, and same with the right side. 
  • Try to imagine reversing a car - the car beeps as it gets close to an obstacle, and the beeps get faster the closer you get - this is similar to how the collar works!
  • Once the cow turns away from the virtual boundary, the sound turns off, and they are free to graze within the break. 

Cows are smart creatures and quickly learn the system (within 1 week), which means reduced stress (no more bikes, dogs or quads pushing them out of a paddock).

Shift cows from your phone
Drop a fence with the press of a button

How farmers are using Halter for Virtual Fencing

  • Setting up paddocks in minutes: Open the app, draw a fence on their phone, and it’s done. 
  • Moving livestock remotely: Guide cows to new pasture without stepping outside. No gumboots or wet weather gear required. 
  • Protecting sensitive areas: Keep stock out of waterways, newly seeded paddocks, or quickly move the herd out of a wet paddock.
  • Easily creating break fences: Grazing with precision, meaning they are utilising every blade of grass, while also reducing pasture damage.

The benefits of replacing traditional fencing with an invisible fence

  • Save time & labour: No more fixing fences (and chasing the cows that got out), or manually shifting stock. Use that time for the more critical tasks on the farm. 
    • Set up a break fence in 30 seconds instead of 30 minutes
  • Cut costs: Reduce money spent on fencing materials and installation.
  • Improve pasture management: Imagine being able to set a fence anywhere on the farm (from anywhere in the world), without the constraints of fixed fencing or uneven terrain? That’s the reality for Halter farmers, and precision grazing means better pasture utilisation and regrowth.
  • Protect the environment: Easily fence off waterways and erosion-prone areas without building permanent structures.
  • Better animal welfare outcomes: Less stress for stock, leading to better production and healthier herds.

Happy girl with her collar on
Happy girl with her fancy necklace

Why Halter farmers are loving Virtual Fencing

  • Better grazing control: No more overgrazing or wasted pasture - every blade of grass is being utilised. 
  • Flexibility in stock movement: Adapt grazing plans on the fly - from home, from the cow shed, or from the kids' sports game.
  • Easier movement of the herd: Move stock with a tap of a button, not a dog and quad.
  • Ideal for large or hilly farms: Set up fences where traditional fencing would normally be impossible. 

Fence smarter, not harder

Halter is helping farmers across the globe take control of their land and their time.

If you're ready to see how virtual fencing can help to level up your farm, get in touch here

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